Spring Showdown
Team #
Round #
Referee Signature
Team Name
Team Signature

M1 - Why did the Chicken Cross the Road
Is the Chicken turned 180 degrees so the tail feathers are past the line?

M2 - Door Drop Delivery
Is the package dropped on the doorstep?

Did the robot bring the package home?

M3 - Unpacking
Was the blue hinged container brought home?

Were all the contents removed from the container?

Was the blue container returned to the solid platform?

M4 - Lower the Drawbridge
How many bridge segments were lowered?

Is the robot supported by the bridge?

M5 - The Great Race
Are both the plane and truck launched?

Which vehicle is launched further?

M6 - Billboard Destruction
Did the crane knock ONLY the billboard down?

M7 - Carry-On
Was the carry-on paced on the luggage rack?

M8 - Luggage Train
Has the train been moved to the end of the tracks?

M9 - Load the Plane
Which Luggage has been loaded onto the plane?

is the plane door is closed?

M10 - Leave for your Trip
How many trucks have been removed from the garage?

M11 - Play Tic-Tac-Toe
Are their 3 boxes in a row?

Precision Tokens
How many Tokens are left on the field?