Spring Showdown
Team #
Round #
Referee Signature
Team Name
Team Signature

M1 - Why did the Chicken Cross the Road
Is the Chicken turned 180 degrees so the tail feathers are past the line?

M2 - Door Drop Delivery
Is the package dropped on the doorstep?

Did the robot bring the package home?

M3 - Unpacking
Was the blue hinged container brought home?

Were all the contents removed from the container?

Was the blue container returned to the solid platform?

M4 - Lower the Drawbridge
How many bridge segments were lowered?

Is the robot supported by the bridge?

M5 - The Great Race
Are both the plane and truck launched?

Which vehicle is launched further?

M6 - Billboard Destruction
Did the crane knock ONLY the billboard down?

M7 - Carry-On
Was the carry-on paced on the luggage rack?

M8 - Luggage Train
Has the train been moved to the end of the tracks?

M9 - Load the Plane
Which Luggage has been loaded onto the plane?

is the plane door is closed?

M10 - Leave for your Trip
How many trucks have been removed from the garage?

M11 - Play Tic-Tac-Toe
Are their 3 boxes in a row?

Precision Tokens
How many Tokens are left on the field?
Bury the Plutonium
The plutonium needs to be contained. Move the samples to the containment area and then close the containment field. The containment field must be flat on the mat.
Ship the Bricks
Robot must launch the plane to the top of tower. The robot needs to impact the strike pad hard enough to launch the plane and keep it from dropping back down.

Lower the Temperature
The LEGO Factory machines are overheating. Turn the dial approximately 180 degrees to decrease the temperature. The pointer must reach the desired green temperature gauge location.

Retrieve the Virtual LEGOs
There are LEGOs that need to be shipped that are stored on the top shelf. Push the orange bar all the way down to lower the beam that has the virtual LEGO bricks on top of it. The orange bar will start in the upper position.

Clean the Bricks
Your LEGO bricks need to be cleaned before they can be sent out, so you need to wash your bricks. To wash your bricks, turn the tan into green by moving the push bar the right distance at the right speed.

Rescue the LEGO Ship
Your special LEGO Ship has broken loose from the EV3-Rider. Rescue the special LEGO ship and bring it back to base.

Replenish the LEGO Zone
LEGO Bricks are needed to refill the LEGO Zone. Using one of the plutonium samples, place it in the model so a lego brick is ejected.

There is raw LEGO all over the LEGO Zone. Collect the 6 discs of raw LEGO and bring them back to base.

Score sheets may not be changed on a completed tournament.