Award Results - Buffalo Grove Qualifier

The following awards were given out at this tournament. Congratulations to all these teams for a job well done.

Champion's Award

58992 Circuit Sirens

Champion’s Award Finalist

56938 Neuro6 Robotics

Robot Performance Award 1st Place

13528 Fantastic Five

Robot Performance Award 2nd Place

62182 Grubhub

Core Values Award

63637 Da Hydrobots

Core Values Award Finalist

58815 SeisMIC tSuNAmiS

Robot Design Award

13528 Fantastic Five

Robot Design Award Finalist

61472 Water Warriors

Innovation Project Award

61471 Voyager

Innovation Project Award Finalist

58994 Techno Corals

Engineering Excellence Award

64972 Master KARDS

Breakthrough Award

6376 The Terriffic TrafficCones

Coach/Mentor Award

66783 Guardians of the Brick

Shelby Bordner

Advancing Team 1

58992 Circuit Sirens

Advancing team 2

56938 Neuro6 Robotics

Advancing team 3

61471 Voyager

Advancing team 4

13528 Fantastic Five

Advancing Team 5

58815 SeisMIC tSuNAmiS

Advancing Team 6

63637 Da Hydrobots

Advancing Team 7

64972 Master KARDS

Advancing Team 8

62183 Wetro Robots

Advancing Team 9

58994 Techno Corals