Award Results - Batavia Qualifier

The following awards were given out at this tournament. Congratulations to all these teams for a job well done.

Champion's Award


Champion’s Award Finalist

250 Powerful Chicks

Robot Performance Award 1st Place

250 Powerful Chicks

Robot Performance Award 2nd Place

241 Tech Troopers

Core Values Award

5356 Domo Arigato

Core Values Award Finalist

67376 Tech Wizards

Robot Design Award

46411 Octobots

Robot Design Award Finalist

16729 Got Robot?

Innovation Project Award

246 Explosive Ocean Explorers

Innovation Project Award Finalist

51156 Water Benders

Engineering Excellence Award

56067 B3's

Breakthrough Award

13529 Ocean Explorers

Coach/Mentor Award


Vineet Gupta

Advancing Team 1


Advancing Team 2

250 Powerful Chicks

Advancing Team 3

246 Explosive Ocean Explorers

Advancing Team 4

5356 Domo Arigato

Advancing Team 5

62440 Seven Sparks

Advancing Team 6

56067 B3's

Advancing Team 7

46411 Octobots

Advancing Team 8

51156 Water Benders