www.FLLTournament.com - Scoreboard Last Refresh: 3/6/2025 9:30:03 PM

Naperville CUSD 203 FLL Tournament - PM
RankTeam #Team NameBest ScoreRound 1Round 2Round 3
1st56009JJHS Team B: Aqua Innovators255200255170
2nd56015MJHS Team A: Warhawk Waveriders24024095240
3rd56016WJHS Team A: Kings of the Sea24075120240
4th56011KJHS Team B: The STEM of the Sea18514518575
5th46332Beebe Team A: Underwater Brick Builders175130150175
6th46322Highlands Team B: Builders of Atlantis1756080175
7th44156Highlands Team A: Nerdy Narwhals165165145150
8th56008JJHS Team A: Submarine Squad16580165140
9th21134Ranch View Team A: Fin-tastics!160110160125
10th56007Highlands Team C: Octopus Inck155140155135
11th56018Ranch View Team C: Star Performers155115125155
12th46326Maplebrook Team A: LEGO Dragons145100145110
13th56017WJHS Team B: Submerged Scientists140135125140
14th46325Maplebrook Team B: Maplebrook Manatees135135135125
15th21135Ranch View Team B: Shell-ebrites125120125105
16th56010KJHS Team A: 20,000 LEGOS Under the Sea120105120120
17th47732Beebe Team B: Robotic Sharks11585115115
18th56006WJHS Team C (Elem): The Surfing Banana Sharks110100110100
19th56013LJHS Team B: Endangered Engineers1109511095
20th64905Beebe Team C: RUST Turtles10510510090
21st56012LJHS Team A: SeaTech1051058060